프로그래밍 언어 / 2003년 1학기 / 한상영 교수님
임의의 블럭들의 모양을 입력으로 받은 다음
그 블럭들을 이용해 3*3*3의 큐브를 만들 수 있는
distinct한 모든 해를 구하는 프로그램.
Soma Cube라고 널리 알려진 문제.
/************************************************************ http://zzun.net ******************************************************/
import java.io.*;
class Piece // a class of each piece
public Piece(char s)
ptn = new int[2][27*24/2]; // patterns will save here
symbol = s; // symbol of pattern
count = new int[2]; // # of patterns (two groups)
public void setBase(int base) // setting the base pattern
String temp = "";
for (int i=0; i<27; i++)
if ( ((base >> i) % 2) == 1 ) // determine the piece's shape
temp += (char)i;
basePtn = new int[size][3];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
basePtn[i][0] = temp.charAt(i)%3 - temp.charAt(0)%3; // saving the base pattern as if it starts at first cell
basePtn[i][2] = temp.charAt(i)/9 - temp.charAt(0)/9;
basePtn[i][1] = (temp.charAt(i) - basePtn[i][2]*9) / 3 - (temp.charAt(0) - basePtn[0][2]*9) / 3;
private void push(int type, int s) // add a pattern by type
ptn[type][count[type]] = s;
count[type]++; // act like stack
public void generate(int i) // generate i-th pattern
int[][] next = rotate(i); // read a rotated pattern
int[] xyz = new int[3];
int pushing;
for (int j=0; j<27; j++) // through all positions in cube
pushing = 0;
xyz[0] = j % 3;
xyz[2] = j / 9;
xyz[1] = (j - xyz[2]*9) / 3; // calculate coordinates
int[] temp = new int[3];
int newCoord;
for (int k=0; k<size; k++)
for (int l=0; l<3; l++)
newCoord = next[k][l] + xyz[l]; // moving the rotated piece
if (newCoord < 0 || newCoord > 2) // if rotated piece has illegal cube, then break, try another position
pushing = 0;
break big;
temp[l] = (char)newCoord;
pushing |= (1 << (temp[0] + temp[1]*3 + temp[2]*9)); // save the current rotated pattern
boolean exist = false; // already exist
if (pushing != 0) // legal rotating
int type = (pushing>>13)%2; // if a ptn have cube no.13 TYPE 1, if not TYPE 0. every ptn is distinguishable by this rule.
for (int k=count[type]-1; k>=0; k--)
if (ptn[type][k] == pushing) // check whether the same pattern exists already or not
exist = true;
if (!exist)
push(type, pushing); // if the pattern is unique, push it.
private int[][] rotate(int idx) // return a rotated piece (=pattern) by idx
int[][] rtn = new int[size][3];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
rtn[i][Math.abs(rotate[idx][j])-1] = basePtn[i][j] * ((rotate[idx][j] > 0) ? 1 : (-1)); // now rotating
return rtn;
public int size = 0;
public char symbol;
public int count[];
public int[][] ptn; // possible patterns
private int[][] basePtn; // base pattern
private static int[][] rotate = { {1,2,3}, {1,-2,-3}, {1,3,-2}, {1,-3,2}, {-1,2,-3}, {-1,-2,3}, {-1,3,2}, {-1,-3,-2},
{2,1,-3}, {2,-1,3}, {2,3,1}, {2,-3,-1}, {-2,1,3}, {-2,-1,-3}, {-2,3,-1}, {-2,-3,1},
{3,1,2}, {3,-1,-2}, {3,2,-1}, {3,-2,1}, {-3,1,-2}, {-3,-1,2}, {-3,2,1}, {-3,-2,-1}
}; // the rotating patterns {3,-2,1} means x->z, y->-y, z->x
public class cube
public static String inputFileName;
public static String outputFileName = "cube.out";
public static Piece[] p;
public static int[] answer;
public static int status = 0;
public static BufferedReader fin; // input stream
public static PrintWriter fout; // output stream
public static boolean typeCheck;
public static void initialize() throws IOException // initialize for a search
String buffer;
int pos;
char sym;
for (int i=0; i<p.length; i++)
buffer = fin.readLine();
sym = buffer.charAt(0); // check the symbol of the piece
p[i] = new Piece(sym); // make an object presenting the piece
pos = 0; // initial pattern
for (int j=0; j<27; j++)
if (buffer.charAt(j+2) == sym)
pos |= (1 << j);
p[i].setBase(pos); // set a base pattern
if (i==0)
p[i].generate(0); // if it is the first piece
else // otherwise
for (int j=0; j<24; j++)
public static void search(int type, int idx) throws IOException
int temp;
for (int i=0; i<p[idx].count[type]; i++)
temp = p[idx].ptn[type][i]; // get a pattern of current piece
if ((status & temp) == 0)
status |= temp;
answer[idx] = temp;
if (idx == p.length - 1) // if the pushed piece is the last piece
prodAns(); // We Find One! Produce the Answer!
if (typeCheck) // if any above piece has the 13-cube,
search(0, idx+1); // find next piece in type 0
else // if not
typeCheck = true; // set typeCheck
search(1, idx+1); // find next piece in type 1
typeCheck = false; // unset
search(0, idx+1); // and find remaining in type 0
status &= ~temp; // unpush the piece
private static void prodAns() throws IOException // output the answer
char[] out = new char[27];
for (int i=0; i<27; i++)
for (int j=0; j<p.length; j++)
if ( ((answer[j] >> i) % 2) == 1 )
out[i] = p[j].symbol;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
if (args.length!=1 || args[0] == null)
System.out.println("ERROR : please enter the input file name as an argument");
inputFileName = args[0];
fin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileName));
int number = Integer.parseInt(fin.readLine()); // # of pieces
p = new Piece[number];
answer = new int[number];
fout = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFileName));
typeCheck = true;
search(1, 0); // find as the first piece in type 1
typeCheck = false;
search(0, 0); // in type 2
임의의 블럭들의 모양을 입력으로 받은 다음
그 블럭들을 이용해 3*3*3의 큐브를 만들 수 있는
distinct한 모든 해를 구하는 프로그램.
Soma Cube라고 널리 알려진 문제.
/************************************************************ http://zzun.net ******************************************************/
import java.io.*;
class Piece // a class of each piece
public Piece(char s)
ptn = new int[2][27*24/2]; // patterns will save here
symbol = s; // symbol of pattern
count = new int[2]; // # of patterns (two groups)
public void setBase(int base) // setting the base pattern
String temp = "";
for (int i=0; i<27; i++)
if ( ((base >> i) % 2) == 1 ) // determine the piece's shape
temp += (char)i;
basePtn = new int[size][3];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
basePtn[i][0] = temp.charAt(i)%3 - temp.charAt(0)%3; // saving the base pattern as if it starts at first cell
basePtn[i][2] = temp.charAt(i)/9 - temp.charAt(0)/9;
basePtn[i][1] = (temp.charAt(i) - basePtn[i][2]*9) / 3 - (temp.charAt(0) - basePtn[0][2]*9) / 3;
private void push(int type, int s) // add a pattern by type
ptn[type][count[type]] = s;
count[type]++; // act like stack
public void generate(int i) // generate i-th pattern
int[][] next = rotate(i); // read a rotated pattern
int[] xyz = new int[3];
int pushing;
for (int j=0; j<27; j++) // through all positions in cube
pushing = 0;
xyz[0] = j % 3;
xyz[2] = j / 9;
xyz[1] = (j - xyz[2]*9) / 3; // calculate coordinates
int[] temp = new int[3];
int newCoord;
for (int k=0; k<size; k++)
for (int l=0; l<3; l++)
newCoord = next[k][l] + xyz[l]; // moving the rotated piece
if (newCoord < 0 || newCoord > 2) // if rotated piece has illegal cube, then break, try another position
pushing = 0;
break big;
temp[l] = (char)newCoord;
pushing |= (1 << (temp[0] + temp[1]*3 + temp[2]*9)); // save the current rotated pattern
boolean exist = false; // already exist
if (pushing != 0) // legal rotating
int type = (pushing>>13)%2; // if a ptn have cube no.13 TYPE 1, if not TYPE 0. every ptn is distinguishable by this rule.
for (int k=count[type]-1; k>=0; k--)
if (ptn[type][k] == pushing) // check whether the same pattern exists already or not
exist = true;
if (!exist)
push(type, pushing); // if the pattern is unique, push it.
private int[][] rotate(int idx) // return a rotated piece (=pattern) by idx
int[][] rtn = new int[size][3];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
rtn[i][Math.abs(rotate[idx][j])-1] = basePtn[i][j] * ((rotate[idx][j] > 0) ? 1 : (-1)); // now rotating
return rtn;
public int size = 0;
public char symbol;
public int count[];
public int[][] ptn; // possible patterns
private int[][] basePtn; // base pattern
private static int[][] rotate = { {1,2,3}, {1,-2,-3}, {1,3,-2}, {1,-3,2}, {-1,2,-3}, {-1,-2,3}, {-1,3,2}, {-1,-3,-2},
{2,1,-3}, {2,-1,3}, {2,3,1}, {2,-3,-1}, {-2,1,3}, {-2,-1,-3}, {-2,3,-1}, {-2,-3,1},
{3,1,2}, {3,-1,-2}, {3,2,-1}, {3,-2,1}, {-3,1,-2}, {-3,-1,2}, {-3,2,1}, {-3,-2,-1}
}; // the rotating patterns {3,-2,1} means x->z, y->-y, z->x
public class cube
public static String inputFileName;
public static String outputFileName = "cube.out";
public static Piece[] p;
public static int[] answer;
public static int status = 0;
public static BufferedReader fin; // input stream
public static PrintWriter fout; // output stream
public static boolean typeCheck;
public static void initialize() throws IOException // initialize for a search
String buffer;
int pos;
char sym;
for (int i=0; i<p.length; i++)
buffer = fin.readLine();
sym = buffer.charAt(0); // check the symbol of the piece
p[i] = new Piece(sym); // make an object presenting the piece
pos = 0; // initial pattern
for (int j=0; j<27; j++)
if (buffer.charAt(j+2) == sym)
pos |= (1 << j);
p[i].setBase(pos); // set a base pattern
if (i==0)
p[i].generate(0); // if it is the first piece
else // otherwise
for (int j=0; j<24; j++)
public static void search(int type, int idx) throws IOException
int temp;
for (int i=0; i<p[idx].count[type]; i++)
temp = p[idx].ptn[type][i]; // get a pattern of current piece
if ((status & temp) == 0)
status |= temp;
answer[idx] = temp;
if (idx == p.length - 1) // if the pushed piece is the last piece
prodAns(); // We Find One! Produce the Answer!
if (typeCheck) // if any above piece has the 13-cube,
search(0, idx+1); // find next piece in type 0
else // if not
typeCheck = true; // set typeCheck
search(1, idx+1); // find next piece in type 1
typeCheck = false; // unset
search(0, idx+1); // and find remaining in type 0
status &= ~temp; // unpush the piece
private static void prodAns() throws IOException // output the answer
char[] out = new char[27];
for (int i=0; i<27; i++)
for (int j=0; j<p.length; j++)
if ( ((answer[j] >> i) % 2) == 1 )
out[i] = p[j].symbol;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
if (args.length!=1 || args[0] == null)
System.out.println("ERROR : please enter the input file name as an argument");
inputFileName = args[0];
fin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileName));
int number = Integer.parseInt(fin.readLine()); // # of pieces
p = new Piece[number];
answer = new int[number];
fout = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFileName));
typeCheck = true;
search(1, 0); // find as the first piece in type 1
typeCheck = false;
search(0, 0); // in type 2